Eswatini Plantations
eSwatini Plantations was first planted in 1947. The plantation area consists of 3200 hectares planted mainly with Pine. The plantations are located in the North Western side of eSwatini in the Hhohho district and produces 40 000m3 of round logs, annually. All logs are processed locally. The main species planted by William Mavuso, the Silviculture Manager is Pinus Elliottii, Pinus Taeda and Pinus Elliottii Crabaia.
Eswatini Plantation Sawmill Operations consists of a number of different production units. The plant is made up of the Main Mill processing around 76 000m3 of round log annually and the Industrial Mill processing 20 000m3 annually. The other departments consist of a Door Plant, CCA Treating Plant and a Finger Joint Plant. These operations are managed by the General Manager Pierre Prinsloo and his team of section heads, Wet mill Manager-Phineas Dlamini and Dry mill Manager – Stoffel Fritz. The Mill employs in around 600 people. The Mill is designed to process Pine and Eucalyptus, including the ability to kiln dry all the material.
Primary Products
Structural, Industrial, Crating and CCA Pine timber.
Industrial and Crating Eucalyptus timber.
Secondary Products
Doors, Decking, Flooring, Pine wood chips and Chicken and Horse bedding
The Magwekwane farm was a rundown eucalyptus farm bought from the Bothma family in 2011. The farm is located in the northern part of the Hhohho district. JP Poupard, the Forestry Manager took on the challenge to rebuild the infrastructure and convert the farm to Pine. In 2020 the farm will be completely replanted with 1100ha of forestry and will be fully productive in 2030.

eSwatini Treated Timbers
Treating plant
In 2009 Guy More bought the eSwatini Treated Timbers plant, located near Mbabane, from the Crabtree family. The treating operation consisted of a Creosote and CCA treating plant. Since 2009 both plants have been upgraded to comply with better environmental, safety and production standards. Today the plant produces around 8000m3 of transmission poles and 7500m3 of building and fencing poles annually.
Primary Products
Transmission, P&T, Agricultural and Structural poles treated with an option of Creosote or CCA
Managed by Troy Dodson and his team saw the opportunity to start another Pine Sawmill. A bandsaw mill started up, cutting wet off saw material but was upgraded over time to a 50 000m3 structural certified sawmill.
Primary Products
Structural, Industrial, crating and wet off saw timber.
Secondary Products
Pine wood chips and Chicken and Horse bedding

Eswatini Drum
Guy More joined forces with a then, South African cable drum manufacturer in 2001, and moved the SA manufacturing operations to eSwatini. This move created jobs for more than 100 Swazi people in the Piggs Peak area.
eSwatini drum is located in the premises of eSwatini Plantations, close to its raw material source. It manufactures cable drums in kit form and the components are then transported to assembly plants located in Port Elizabeth, Vereeniging and Johannesburg. These plants are all BBBEE level 2 companies. eSwatini Drum, through its assembly plants, supplies blue chip companies like Aberdare cables, Mtec, and Alcon.
Primary Products
Wooden and Plywood cable drums

The Lumber Yard
The Lumber Yard depot was established in 2017 and was created to service the smaller more niche customers based in the Greater Gauteng area. The team works out of the depot in Birch Acres, Johannesburg.
Products sold
Structural and Industrial Timber, Plywood and Doors.